About Phalanx Canine and Security Solutions
Phalanx Canine and Security Solutions was founded on a genuine desire to provide clients with unequaled security solutions to cope with today's emerging threats.
We are prepared to assist you start-to-finish in the selection, procurement, training and deployment of a K9 to fit to your professional requirements or personal lifestyle.
We offer professional level courses in firearms and combatives to give you the skills and confidence needed to prevail.
Asset threat assessments are available upon request. From guidance on the development of personal security countermeasures and venue/site security protocols to surveillance and counter-surveillance measures, we have the experience needed to provide you with sound advice specific to your situation that will mitigate your risk.
Marvin Walden, Founder
Mr. Walden is a 20 year law enforcement and security professional with a background in canine patrol and narcotics/explosive detection operations, criminal interdiction, tactical operations, high risk warrant service, executive protection, motorcade operations, venue/site security, protective movements, undercover operations, investigations, surveillance, strategies for low light engagements, firearms instruction, high threat operations (OCONUS), supervision and management, as well as a Georgia POST Certified Senior Instructor in various disciplines.
Our Staff
CVs available upon request.